Sunday, September 6, 2009

What is going on?

OK, so I need to start working on this thing again. I have lots of time on my hands as of late, getting laid off will do that to you, but it has been nice to have time to work on what I want to work on.

So a buddy from work and some other friends from school have started production on a short film called "A Night In" you can check out the progress at This hopefully will be a nice enough portfolio piece to get some attention around here.

I have taken the liberty to start sketching and painting a little more in Photoshop, I really have to strive to get the images in my head to translate in any format and practice makes perfect so here was something I started with


it doesn't really make sense but it is a start right?

I also had time to enter the 11SecondClub this month and got a whopping 4.31 star score, which is up a star from last time, so I guess that shows progress. The other top animations were nothing short of amazing, so I have to practice a LOT harder if I want to win. Here it is

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